Dienstag, 9. November 2010

Kayondo Paul

Kayondo Paul, 20 Jahre alt

Sein ist Vater ebenfalls früh gestorben, und Paul ist in einer Großfamilie mit diversen Halb- und Stiefgeschwistern aufgewachsen. Die Situation war wohl ziemlich schwierig, es war nicht genügend Geld vorhanden um alle zu versorgen - geschweige denn in die Schule zu schicken. So entschied auch er sich, sein Glück auf der Strasse zu finden und verbrachte dort zwei Jahre lang - sich von den Müllbergen ernährend... 2000 kam er dann zu Kids in Need. Dort wurden ihm zunaechst 2 Jahre Primary school ermöglicht, dann stand auch die Ruckführung in seine Herkunftsfamilie an. KIN zahlt zwar weiter Schulgeld, jedoch hatte seine Familie kein Geld für Essen, so flüchtete er wieder zu Kids in Need. Dort hatte er zunächst das Glück einen privaten Sponsor zu finden, der ihm ermöglicht hatte weiter in Grundschule zu gehen. Leider war Paul nicht der beste Schüler, weshalb sein Sponsor entschied ihn runter zu nehmen um ihm einen Mechaniker Kurs anzubieten. Leider sprang dann dieser Sponsor ab. Nun hat Paul keine abgeschlossene Ausbildung und konnte nicht einmal die Grundschule abschließen. Ja, das erschwerte die Arbeit mit Paul, auch er sieht keinen Sinn darin zurück in die Schule zu gehen. Der Mechaniker Kurs entsprach nie seinem Interesse - dies war die Entscheidung seines damaligen Sponsors - außerdem müsste er komplett von vorne beginnen, da die Werkstatt nicht mehr existiert und er kein Zeugnis o.ä. hat. Also viel Zeit und Geld. Paul würde gerne den Führerschein machen, er ist sich sicher dass er danach einen Job findet und unabhängig für sich sorgen kann. Auch hier haben wir lange überlegt wie sinnvoll dies ist und wie sicher… aber die Rückmeldung von den meisten leuten war, dass man mit einem Führerschein hier gute Chancen hat. Eine Bekannte die mit Flüchtlingen arbeitet, erklärte, dass sie diese auch oft in die Driving School schicken - eine wohl sehr gute - die in etwa 500 000 (ca 160 euro) kosten würde. Dann gibt es natürlich auch billigere, eher unseriöse Varianten… Wir sind aber noch auf der Suche nach weiteren Angeboten.
Also los gehts - alle maschieren zu ihren ehemaligen Fahrschulen und sammeln 5 Euro, dann ham mas doch schon.

Iam Kayondo Paul. 20 years old I was born from Nakifuma in Mukono District, I was born from a family of twelve, eight boys and four girls, My father died long time ago and I stayed with my mother at home she was a peasant farmer and spent most of the time digging and not going at school because the money which was available was for domestic purposes I had a feeling of going to school but was denied education because of family problems, my eldest brothers who would have assisted me also were jobless and they were also doing some petty jobs which could earn them little money for survival, having seen that there was no future in staying at home without going to school I decided to leave home for the streets where I spent two years surviving from eating food from the garbage, begging money for food from different people on the streets, selling different commodities for people and they pay me and sometimes doing heavy work like carrying peoples laguages and fetching water for survival meanwhile sleeping outside on the streets of Kampala . after some time I was taken to KIN by a friend who found me suffering from the streets, on reaching the centre, I stayed there for one year attending non formal literate classes with the rest of the children and then after I was enrolled into Formal education in a nearby school called Mutesa II Memorial Primary School in Primary Three and studied for the whole year and I got promoted to Primary Four and after completing this class I was resettled back to my original home land to study from there but kept on paying for me school fees while studying from home but the situation had not changed at all it had remained the same because I used to go to school without having any food and we could have one meal for a day and things kept on worsening all the time and I decided to escape from there and went back to KIN where i stayed for one month without going to school, after all this period KIN got for me another sponsor called Steven Shames who took me back to school in primary five and studied and was promoted to Primary six but the performance was not good and he was aiming at good results for his beneficiaries so he had to make me drop out and he took me into vocational skills training and I trained into Motor Vehicle Mechanics for one year and then went for Industrial Training which required for me to pay there some amount of money and this sponsor told me to tell my relatives to contribute half of the money and what he did was to pay the trainer half of the money and left me to look for the rest which became very hard for me and time reached and this trainer sent me home to collect the balance and I was un able to raise it so I was forced to stop.

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