Hier ein Dankeschoen von unseren Jungs an alle unsere Freunde die uns unterstuetzen!
Da der Brief etwas schwierig zu lesen ist hier noch einmal:
To all Sponsors and Supporters of Fini
I greet you all in the name of all FINI memebrs. I hope everyone has got what we wish them to have in gods name.We as FINI welcome you all we wish wish from the x-mas season and we wish you a prosperous new year.
Thank you for supporting FINI in all aspects, all boys look at you as they remaining serious.Thank you for trusting FINI staff,because if it was not that trusting we would been somewhere where we would be not recognized or understood.
We managed to pass the festive season in a happy mood. Here in Uganda we celebrate it like no other day because all religions ___________ to the christmas day when the savior was born.
Forour sponsors you are everything we ought to have in life because you have financed our health, shelter and studies. May god bless you all.
Thanks to all our sponsors because you create awareness to the whole world that there is a category of people who need to be lend a hand.
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